Introduction. Before starting, we are going to reproduce the World map on our notebook to refresh our memory. Represent all the continents and oceans and name them.
1. Analiza el siguiente mapa de focos de población. ¿En qué zonas y países del mundo hay más población y por qué? ¿Cuáles son los grandes vacíos y por qué?
2. Which of the following sentences correspond to developed countries and which ones to undervedeloped countries?
3. Analiza y compara las siguientes gráficas que corresponden a la estructura demográfica de países desarrollados, países en vías de desarrollo y países poco desarrollados.
4. Why do you think that Madrid, Barcelona and the mediterranean coast are growing and inland Spain is emptying of population?
5. Are there any migrants in your family? (parents, grandparents...) Are they domestic migrants or international migrants? Where did they come from? Why?
6. Complete the following table about the consecuences of migrations for immigration-receiving countries and for migrant-sending countries:
7. En las siguientes ciudades, identifica el casco antiguo, los barrios populares/zonas de expansión, y la periferia.
8. Choose three of the following cities in Google Earth or Google Maps and indentify their historic centres, their expansion areas or popular neighbourhoods and their suburbs.
- Sevilla
- Málaga
- Jaén
- Toledo
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